Welcome to
Crete United Methodist Church
Located in downtown Crete, IL.
1321 Main Street
Worship Service is
Sunday mornings at 10 a.m.
Pastor Kristen Larsen
Admin. Assistant: Diane McGarel
Sunday's Sermon
Our Mission
is to be Christ centered, teaching and learning community, dedicated to reaching out to all in a spirit of caring and sharing, a community where growth in Christ inspires us to be joyful sharing people.
Weekly Devotion
Sandie page
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Lots of things happen around here in June. Since it’s cooler, almost all the Chicago events are scheduled for this month. To name just a few, there’s The Chicago Gospel Music Festival, The Windy City Hotdog Fest, Chicago Blues Festival, Chicago Pride Parade….even the Chicago Museums have begun posting the free days you can visit this month.
Makes you wanna move your dancing feet, doesn’t it.
Also, in June we have Flag Day, Father’s Day, Summer Solstice and, wait for it, John Wesley’s birthday in 1703. (I know you won’t want to miss that!)
While I was surfing “things to do in June” this week, I came across something new. It turns out that in the Roman Catholic Church, the month of June celebrates The Sacred Heart of Jesus which represents Jesus’ love for us. It celebrates the kind of love Jesus spoke about in Matthew’s Gospel when he likens himself to a mother hen who gathers her chicks under her wings. The mother puts her own body between danger and death in order to save the lives of her chicks.
I appreciate this devotion. I think it’s a beautiful thing. Imagine taking a full month out of your life to really focus on the depths of Jesus’ love: a love that puts himself between you and death, a love you can trust with your life.
So, I’m making some intentions for my own devotions this June. First, I’ll be regularly praying for my Catholic brothers and sisters in their devotion of The Sacred Heart of Jesus this month.
Second, I’m not a Catholic, of course, but in my own Protestant, United Methodist, June loving way, I intend to be out in the backyard toward sunset, offering my own prayers of gratitude for Jesus’ amazing love. I’ll be praying to trust in that love more fully - for me, for us, for this hurting world.
And it just may be, it just may be that at some point I’ll get up and dance - for the sheer joy of a love that knows no bounds - while the sky explodes in gold, orange and red.
Yours in the journey,
Pastor Kristen
Upcoming Car Bingo
June 17, 2023
at 2p.
Thank you to the musicians, volunteers, and all those who helped making this concert such a special event.
next meeting will be held on Tuesday
May 30th, 2023
at 2p.
in the Church's Lobby
Crete UMC hosts an on-line worship sermon that is available on our Facebook page, our YouTube Channel, and can be e-mailed directly to you if you join our e-mail list.
August 25, 2022
Before and After School Program
Kathy Carter Young
Director of the Before and After School Program
Email: klcy6000@aol.com for further information.
Online Giving
Secure, reliable, and convenient! Give a one-time gift (no account needed), or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card. (See our SCHEDULE YOUR GIVING help page, or contact Diane at 708-672-8353, if you have questions!)
Anyone wishing to provide humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainian people in the wake of the Russian invasion of their country may contribute to Advance #982450, UMCOR International Disaster Response and Recovery. This fund will provide direct assistance to those in Ukraine as well as assistance to Ukrainians fleeing to neighboring countries.
The link below connects you directly to NIC's Website
Bishop Appeal 2022- Ukraine Assistance
Remember to login in first before donating. This way your donation can be added as part of your tax contribuition for your tithe for Crete UMC. After signing in, click the 3 lines on the left of the top corner of your screen, choose Home and then search for CUMC in the "find a church" search bar. This will get you in the right place to have your contribution recorded by CUMC for tax purposes. Thank you.
The Pantry is open on Wednesday mornings
from 9:00 a.m. till 11:00 a.m.,
Only Available to Crete Township Residents
Located at
1367 Wood Street
Crete, IL 60417
To receive, come into the building on Wood Street to register. Proof of residency is required.
"Even as phase four is taking place, we are bombarded with ”virus” news. Life does go on and many people face unemployment and hard times. The Crete Pantry is continuing to serve any one who comes for food on Wednesday mornings. This is straining the budget of the Pantry.
If you are able to help financially at this time, your gift will be put to immediate use.
Any monetary gift is tax deductible and can be sent to The Crete Pantry, 1367 Wood Street, Crete, Illinois 60417.
Any gift goes directly to help those in our area-helping our neighbors." -- Donna Allen
If you are making a donation, dropping off food, please contact the Food Pantry to see when is the best time to make your donation. 708-672-5431.
At Crete United Methodist Church we realize that there will be times in our lives where problems and circumstances seem overwhelming. It is at these times when we may want to isolate ourselves and hide.
We want you to know that you are not alone!
There are many who share your struggles. Crete UMC's Spiritual Themes in Recovery (S.T.I.R) helps those who are struggling with the addictions of Alcohol and is designed to provide an opportunity for you to share and interact with others and find encouragement and support that you may need. To attend, please call
(708) 672-8353 or email office@creteumc.org
for information
Quick Links
Our first priority remains keeping one another safe. We care deeply for you, and remain committed to doing all we can for each other’s safety and health.
Throughout this pandemic, the mantra of Crete United Methodist Church has been the Wesleyan principal to “Do No Harm.” With this in mind, the Covid Response Leadership team has made the safety and well-being of our members, staff, volunteers, and visitors the single most important priority.
As infection rates improve and restrictions are lifted, we are excited to move forward and begin lifting safety precautions. Beginning this Sunday, March 13th, masks will be optional.
While masks will not be required, those who feel more comfortable masked are invited to do so. We ask, as a good faith effort, that if you have not been vaccinated or if you are feeling a bit under the weather, that you personally chose to wear a mask while in the church buildings.
Worship Services:
Sunday mornings
at 10:00 a.m.
Phone: 708-672-8353
Email: office@creteumc.org
Phone: 708-672-8353
Email: office@creteumc.org
Diane McGarel, Admin Asst.
Office Hours
are Monday thru Friday from 8-1p.
Office Hours: In-person
Tuesdays, 8-1p
Fridays 8-12p
Calls received during non in-person office hours are forwarded and answered remotely. Your call is very important to us so if the line is busy please leave a message as Diane, the Office Admin Assistant will return your call as soon as possible.
Located at 1321 Main Street, Crete, IL 60417
©2022 Crete United Methodist Church
All Rights Reserved.
Created by Diane J. McGarel