Welcome to

Crete United Methodist Church

Heading 2
Noon EVE Party Gathering
December 31, 2024
June 9, 2024
Get Reacquainted Breakfast

DECEMBER 2, 2023
2023 Farmers Market

Crete Women's Club
34th Annual "A DAY IN THE COUNTRY"
JUNE 21 AND JUNE 22, 2023

Maundy Thursday Come and Go Communion, April 6 from 4:30-6:00 pmCome when you can, leave when you must. Holy Communion will be served, joined with others seated around a table following a brief time of scripture reading and prayer.
Good Friday Service, April 7 2:30 to 3:15pmA Tenebrae Service consisting of the scripture readings with the gradual extinguishing of candles to symbolize the growing darkness of Jesus’ death on the cross.
A service of joy, music and song celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Last year we had 38 in person donations and 5 remote. This year we almost matched with 30 in person and 6 remote. That’s 79 blood donations in two years. With each donation saving up to 3 lives, 237 people have been saved because we do this in honor of my dad!! He’d LOVE this, and so do we. Thank you so much to all who participate and love on us during this event every year! We love and appreciate you all!
David Memorial Blood Drive Sunday
March 19, 2023

SYOS Heart & Roses Concert
February 18, 2023

A Service of Candles & Carols
was held on
Saturday, December 24 at 5:00p

Crete United Methodist Church
Annual Giving Tree
Thank you for supporting this community outreach program. We appreciated your generosity
This year the donated toys went to the Jones Center in Chicago Heights. Warm items will be given to the Steger Community Closet (see Facebook pages).

November 06th
was an opportunity for us give thanks for those who have gone before us in the faith.

Flowerpot Painting Party
was Monday July 18 @ 6:30p
Crete UMC’s Fellowship Hall- 1321 Main Street
Cost: $20.00 at the door
Instructor: Kathi Eastman
All CUMC Women and their friends are welcome to attend. We had over 20 ladies in attendance.

The Crete UMC Women's Club began meeting in April of 2022.
The group meets monthly.
Their next gathering will be Saturday, June 18, at 10:00a.
They are planning some special events.
We are sadden of the passing of one of our faithful members, Joan Davis.

Recital Tea- May 21, 2022

Holy Thursday Come and Go Communion: April 14, 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Between 4:30 and 6pm, you are invited to receive Holy Communion at the Lord’s table.
Entrance to the building is off the church parking lot on Main and Exchange.
Good Friday Service: April 15, 2:30 p.m.
A Service of tenebrae with the reading of scriptures
and the gradual extinguishing of candles to symbolize the growing darkness of Jesus’ death on the cross.
Entrance to the building is off the church parking lot on Main and Exchange.

Next Car Bingo will be Saturday
May 21 st, beginning at 2p
Car Bingo is the 3rd Saturday of every month

Saturday, March 19, 2022
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
at Crete United Methodist Church’s narthex.
Thank You

Saturday, March 19, 2022
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
at Crete United Methodist Church’s narthex.
Thank You

Pack 123
Pine Wood Derby
March 18, 2022

Friday---December 24, 2021
Over 60 partcipated in the Christmas Eve Worship Service. Masks were required.
During the Worship Service the Bell Choir played and everyone sang Silent Night, candles were lit symbolizing the light of Christ.

2021 Giving Tree
Thank you for generious support. Because of your help we collected many upon many of unwrapped toys, mittens, scarfs, gloves and socks. The gifts were donated to The Angels on Assignment Organization in Crete and to the childen at the Jones Center, located in Chicago Heights.

Pet Blessings, Saturday December 04, 2021

November 28, 2021
Christmas Concert
3-4:00 p.m.
We were blessed to the have the pianist, Paul Blievernich provide for us a Christmas Concert.

Devotion (October 13, 2021)
On our church’s facebook page a few days ago, I saw that a member of our church had posted a set of remarkable photos showing a double rainbow arching across and over our church buildings.
I don’t know anyone who doesn’t love a rainbow. When there’s one in the sky, we all stop. We all “ooo” and “ahhh”. It makes us feel better just to see it. It makes us feel happier, more hopeful somehow.
When I saw those photos, it felt to me like a blessing on the church, a promise.
Well, God knows we need it. We’ve been living in a helluva storm that continues to take its toll on us, both individually and as a church body. So, when I saw those pictures, they were to me like God was bending low and whispering to the church, “I see you. I love you. I will never forsake you, come hell or high water.”
That, of course, is the promise of the rainbow from our faith story; the story of Noah and the flood. At the end of the story, God makes a covenant. It is the first covenant between God and humanity in the Bible. God promises to set a rainbow in the sky as a sign of his promise that his relationship with us will be based in unqualified grace and love, always and forever.
Now, the more scientifically minded among you might consider my response as just so much whimsy. “Don’t take it personally,” you say. Yes, yes, I know that a rainbow is an optical illusion—it does not actually exist in a specific spot in the sky. Yes, I know it wasn’t literally over the church. The appearance of a rainbow depends on where you stand and where the sun is shining. The sun was behind the church member who took those pictures and the church was in front.
Well, dear church, I’m deciding to stick with my “whimsy”. I’m deciding to stand where I can see God’s rainbow blessing the church with his promise I’m deciding to stand where I can “ooo” and “ahh” at the sight of it, and letting it make me feel happier, more hopeful somehow.
I’m deciding to stand on God’s promises, both for me, individually, and for us as church body, that God sees us completely, loves us extravagantly, and is with us constantly. “Do not fear. I am with you,” God is saying in the colors painted on the sky.
Let’s take it personally, dear church.
Yours in the journey,
Pastor Kristen
Thanks to all who came out to our Car Bingo today. It was a beautiful afternoon to give out $180 in prize money and we were Live with Jamie Healy from the Crete Area Chamber of Commerce.
Congratulations to our winners: Lisa, Sue, Gail, Leanne, Carla and Willy!
Lion Sue Morris donated back part of her winnings so we will be donating $200 to the Chamber.
See you next month on Saturday 11/20 for our next event.

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2021: Here are October's events for the Scouts here at Crete UMC including the last 4 popcorn storefront sales opportunities. Our Scouts are doing an awesome job, and we are looking forward to many fun things this year because our Pack is Powered by Popcorn!
*Wednesday, October 6: Den Meeting. 6pm at Crete United Methodist Church (lower level). ⚜️
*Wednesday, October 20: Den Meeting. 6pm at Crete United Methodist Church (lower level). ⚜️
*Friday, October 22: Pack Meeting. 6pm Crete United Methodist Church (lower level). Meeting for fun and pumpkins! Scouts can dress up in their Halloween costumes. 🎃

September 25, 2021

SUNDAY, July 25th:
Brenda Kenyon, our Music Director, has been given a great opportunity and will be missed here at Crete UMC. Shas blessed this congregation through her music and through her caring heart. As such, we celebrated her ministry on her last day with an old fashioned Hymn Sing followed by refreshments.

Crete Women's Club
30th Annual Garden Walk
Art & Craft Fair
June 23 & June 24, 2021
Flower Show and Arts & Craft Fair

May 08, 2021
WE CELEBRATE CRETE WOMEN’S CLUB who were able to raise $2000 last Saturday from their flower sale in the church parking lot to support Crete-Monee High School Scholarships.
April 02, 2021
TIME CHANGE FOR GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE: Because of Covid 19 and the number of people whose daily schedules have been altered, for this year, we are changing the time of our Good Friday Service to 2:30pm. Jesus died on the cross at 3pm and this service time allows us to be together in prayer at this poignant time. There are many, who for one reason or another, find it difficult to go out after dark. It is my hope that the 2:30pm worship time will allow those who would otherwise be unable to attend, the opportunity for worship and prayer in the company of their community.
Summer of 2021
Every 3rd Saturday of the month
The Crete Lions hosted another fun Car Bingo this afternoon in November. Thanks to all players who came to try their luck!! HOPE TO SEE EVERYONE AT OUR NEXT CAR BINGO AT THE CRETE COUNTRY CHRISTMAS UNDER THE BIG TENT AT 10AM ON SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5TH, 2021 for our next Bingo Event

On December 24, 2020, from 5-6 p.m. there was a special drive-thru blessing held in the parking lot of the church. Partcipants remained in their cars.
To download the Christmas Eve Drive- Thru Blessings' handout click HERE for PDF sheet

Thank you to all who contributed to the Giving Tree. The gifts have been collected and given to the Jones Center.
A Christmas Gift for the Women of the Church: Since May, Lenore Enloe has been working away like a Christmas elf, making beautiful hand-made angels as Christmas ornaments as a gift for the women of the church. Each ornament is in it’s own plastic bag with a small note. We thank Lenore for the thoughtful and loving expression in this gift.

Returned to
in-person Worship Services
August 16, 2020
Worship Services are
Sunday mornings at 10a
and on
Wednesday evenings at 7p
April 12th
Easter Sunday Drive By Blessings
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
We were at it again. Because the Palm Sunday Drive By Blessing was so joyful, meaningful and altogether safe with social distancing, you’re invited to drive by the church Easter Sunday between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00a.m., where you can stop in the circular driveway by the doors of the church and while staying in your cars, unroll your window to receive a blessing for your Holy Week ahead. The Pastor will stand a good 6 feet way from you. You will receive a flower bulb to plant, as a sign of Christ’s resurrection and a sign of your hope for new life for this world

February 16, 2020
The Chicago Southern District Voices choir rocked the Sanctuary at Crete UMC with Gospel praise music on Sunday, February 16, 2020. The CSD Voices Choir is the combined voices of adults from all around the District. Dr. Colion Greene serves as the director of The Voices Choir.
February 16- Scout Sunday:
In celebration of the 100th Birthday of The Methodist Episcopal Church recognizing Scouting, CUMC held Boy Scout Sunday on February 16th. We honored Troop 123, Pack 123, Pack 125, and Crew 191. During this special worship service, both Troop 123 and Pack 123 led the congregation in a survival exercise entitled Lost at Sea. Together we learned the importance of working as a team. The Scripture Lesson for both services was Matthew 8:23-27. After the exercise the congregation sang Eternal Father, Strong to Save that is in The Faith We Sing Songbook.
Crete United Methodist Church would like to give special thanks to the scouts and their leaders:
Todd Dykton, Troop 123 Scoutmaster
Dave Buss, Pack 123 Cubmaster Karen Wood-Brasel, Pack 125 Cubmaster and
Bill Meyers, Crew 191 Crew Advisor.

2019 Children’s Christmas Musical was
Wrapping All the Way
Saturday, December 14, 2019 at 1:00 p.m.
Sunday, December 15, 2019 at 10:30 a.m.
Tuesday, December 24, 2019 at 5:00 p.m.
Director- Kathy Carter Young

Tuesday- December 24, 2019
Candlelight Christmas Eve Services were 5:00 p.m. & 11:00 p.m.

Souper Supper, Saturday December 07, 2019
The CUMC kitchen lady & soup maker strikes again. Ham & Bean, Chicken Noodle, Veggie Beef Barley & Cheddar Broccoli this year. Thank you Sharon & her choptastic skills on the veggies & the fruit of my loom Sam the cookies baker.
Great dinner before the parade!
Special thanks to the Boy Scouts for serving.

Saturday, December 07, 2019
Annual Arts & Crafts Fair
Crete Troop 123's 4th Annual Pancake Breakfast, October 06, 2019

Kick - Off Sunday
September 8, 2019
10:00 a.m. Worship Service
Cook-out in Fellowship Hall
Game Nights happenings in the summer of 2019

2019 Health & Safety Fair
was Saturday, June 22, 2019
from 8:00 - 1:00 p.m.
at 1321 Main Street, Crete, IL
click HERE to see pics
Memorial Day Parade
May 27, 2019
The weather was beautiful during (we were all waiting for it to rain - again!!!). This time, we had Pete's truck and a little flatbed with sides painted red, white and blue. Our church sign was ensconced in the bed of the truck. After gathering at the church and attaching many veteran's pictures on the sides of the flatbed, along with those pictures carried by the riders as well as the walkers, we had quite a group. Upon arriving at the starting point for the parade, we parked and watched the Crete Memorial Day Program. There were many groups which took part in the program, such as Crete Park District Preschool (the little kids recited the Pledge of Allegiance), the Crete-Monee High School Band, Amvets Auxiliary Post 84, Crete American Legion Post #1291, and the Will County Honor Guard. Pastor Frank Italiano from Trinity Lutheran Church took part and reminded us what the day was for. The kickoff for the parade was promptly done and off we went! The spectators on the parade route appreciated what we were trying to do, ie remember veterans and their sacrifice, which is what the day is for!
by Carol Gawronski

2018 CUMC Children Christmas Play
Isaiah Jones and the Seekers of the Lost Treasure