Welcome to

Crete United Methodist Church

GEMS Girls' Club
A Christian Club for girls
aged------- 1st to 3rd Grade
Meets the First and Third Tuesdays each month
from 4:00-5:30p
during the school year
Crete United Methodist Church
1321 Main Street
call 708-672-8353 to learn more and join

GEMS stands for Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior.
GEMS welcomes all girls into a safe and nurturing environment to learn and grow as they discover who God created them to be. We invite all girls with all kinds of interests, abilities, and backgrounds.
It’s not easy being a girl today amidst culture’s problems, pitfalls, and pressures. You want her to feel confident, secure, and loved—for who she is. For over 60 years GEMS has provided relevant resources to equip moms, mentors, and ministry leaders to understand the challenges girls face today. GEMS will equip you to help your girl embrace the Truth that she is loved by God—no matter what.
Through indepentent and fun games, devotions, and activities girls discover who God is and all that He says about her- including that she is loved by God
for more information, please EMAIL- GEMS@CRETECHURCH.COM