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2018 Health Fair:


On Saturday, June 23  the CUMC parking lot was full of activity and people – it was GREAT!  The Euro Market was in full swing on one end of the lot and the Crete Health & Safety Fair was successfully being held on the other end. 


The CUMC Health Ministry Team really enjoyed interacting with the public and promoting good health.  Many people stopped by to get their blood pressure checked and had their many questions about diabetes and other topics answered by our Health Ministry Team.  The kids ( and adults too) were excited about seeing personnel of the Crete Police Department, a fire truck, an ambulance, and members of the Crete Fire Department, including our own Kyle Meyer.  


Pictures were being taken, kids were coloring, and raffle tickets were being filled out. Crete United Methodist Church gave out free water, coffee, doughnut holes, plus a lot of great conversation!  The weather was perfect, no rain and not hot!  The day went very well and CUMC volunteers were there help with set up, having fun together, helping with the clean-up, and making the Health Fair a success.   A special thank you from the CUMC Health Ministry Team to our church family and Fire Chief Michael L. Waterman for initiating this project. 




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While masks will not be required, those who feel more comfortable masked are invited to do so. We ask, as a good faith effort, that if you have not been vaccinated or if you are feeling a bit under the weather, that you personally chose to wear a mask while in the church buildings.

Worship Services:

Sunday mornings

at 10:00 a.m.




Phone: 708-672-8353













Phone: 708-672-8353



Diane McGarel, Admin Asst.


Office Hours

are Monday thru Friday from 8-1p.  


Office Hours: In-person

Tuesdays, 8-1p

Fridays 8-12p


Calls received during non in-person office hours are forwarded and  answered remotely. Your call is very important to us so if the line is busy please leave a message as Diane, the Office Admin Assistant will return your call as soon as possible.







Located at 1321 Main Street, Crete, IL 60417


©2024 Crete United Methodist Church

All Rights Reserved.

Created by Diane J. McGarel

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